zaterdag 27 maart 2010

Earth Hour

Turn of the Lights,
Talk to the Moon.

print from Naoko Kumano

Please, join us.

maandag 8 maart 2010

On the menu...

Did you know...Dinosaur-broccoli-trees taste better.
“Cool names can make for cool foods,” says Brian Wansink, author of 'Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think'. In his study he found out that kids prefer food with cool names.
Four-year-olds were given regular carrots and, on other lunch days, they were given the same vegetables renamed X-ray Vision Carrots. On the latter days, they ate nearly twice as many. Whether it be 'power peas' or 'dinosaur broccoli trees,' giving a food a fun name makes kids think it will be more fun to eat.

Dr Wansink says the same effect works on adults. This may explain the Facebook page 'When I eat Broccoli, I pretend I'm a Dinosaur Eating Trees'.

It seems that sparking the imagination sparks the appetite!
Let us know, what's your creative suggestion for a renamed vegetable?

But of course you can also try this kids favorite:
Mashed broccoli with Frankfurter sausages

for 4 persons:

500g broccoli
500 g potatoes
8 Frankfurter sausages

Boil the potatoes and broccoli separately in salted water.
When the broccoli is cooked, pour cold water on it to keep his fresh green color.
Mash the vegetables, add some olive-oil or butter.
Flavour with nutmeg, salt and pepper.

Heat the sausages in hot water.

Tasty on a cold day just before spring!

zaterdag 23 januari 2010

Two snowmen

We have had...snow... for a few Belgium.
And our little ones had a great time playing outside, despite cold feet and fingers. Now the last white spots have melted but they keep asking for 'throwing snowballs at mommy?'
So we made these two cute snowguys.

cotton-wool glued on empty toilet paper roll.
an empty Petit Gervais makes the hat.
draw quickly a hat, scarf and nose.
a pair of googly eyes makes your snowman complete.

<a href="">I wish I was a Snowman by More with Music</a>

donderdag 24 december 2009

donderdag 26 november 2009

Give us...a break

Every year MyMan and me try to escape a few days. In escape from the daily rush and the upcoming misty grey season we go chasing some (last solar) energy.
We used to do this since the beginning of our relation. And we hold firmly to our little tradition, certainly since little ones, house and career fill up our days and lifes. So this month we flew away...
guess where we spent some fine days together...


And we loved it! Nice weather, for fall 25°C isn't too bad, and beautiful architecture made us promenade from breakfast till diner by sunset.
A brief summary of a great journey in a charming city:
Discovering the Old Town, El Barrio, a veritable labyrinth with its alleyways, courtyards and history. Tasting fresh fruit, juices and Tapas on Europe's largest open air food market, La Boqueria, with picnic in the park afterwards. Even cycling (yesyes, me on a bike!) along beach, wide lanes, squares and unique buildings. We had fun!
I know why I am looking forward to our trip every year again,
love you my sweet mr. B!

And to end,
divine what I brought home,
no souvenir but these beauties...

In 1981 Camper opened its first store in Barcelona.
And these are totally what I was looking for...

vrijdag 13 november 2009

Lemon delight

What to do with ricotta cheese, a few eggs and a lemon?

Create this delicious little dessert...
Lemon De-light

How to?
Whip eggs (3) with cane sugar (50 g).
Add the ricotta cheese (250 g),
stir in the zest and juice of the lemon.
Mingle well and fill muffin cups.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes at 180°C, until done.
Enjoy hot or cold.